In 1697 David Maybank II (1660-1713) acquired 200 acres along Hobcaw Creek from the Lords Proprietors. Maybank, a carpenter, built a house on this site which he named Hobcaw Plantation. The plantation passed to his daughter Susannah (1700-1746) and her husband Capt. Jacob Bond (1695-1766), planter and member of the Commons House of Assembly. After Bond’s death the plantation was owned by his daughter Rebecca Bond Read (1730-1786). Rebecca and James Read’s son Dr. William Read (1754-1845) was a deputy surgeon general in the Continental Army, serving under both George Washington and Nathanael Greene. This was one of Read’s several lowcountry plantations; his principal residence was in Charleston. In 1819 Read’s cousin Jacob Bond I’On (1782-1859), planter, army office, and legislator, hosted President James Monroe and Secretary of State John C. Calhoun at Hobcaw Plantation.

